You'll receive the confirmation of your registration immediately and later the indications for the payment.

Du erhältst sofort die Bestätigung Deiner Anmeldung und später die Angaben zur Zahlung.
Mindestpreis: 10,00 €
Um die Bestellung von Party-Pizzen zu vereinfachen, bestellen wir nur vegetarische und vegane Varianten.

To make the order process easier we just order party-sized vegetarian and vegan pizza.

Terms & Conditions

A registration confirmation obligates payment. If you want to cancel your registration please contact us as soon as possible and we try to find a solution. A silent cancellation by simply not paying will not be accepted. A refund of the payment is generally not possible. We reserve the right to refunds in individual cases. You can resell your event ticket. Since the tickets are name-bound, you must notify us of the sale to another person by email: We cannot reimburse costs for accommodation, transport and other expenses related to the planned visit to the event. If payment is not received within 14 days, the event booking may be cancelled. The organizer reserves the right to change announced teachers, bands or DJs. Temporal or spatial shifts can also take place. These will be announced in good time before or during the event. If you feel typical Covid-19 symptoms, please do not attend at classes or partys. We recommend to do a corona rapid test each day. We would like to point out that participation in the event is at your own risk and with complete personal responsibility. Please conduct yourself politely and respectfully on the dance floor.